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Pandas in Python (A-Z in Bangla)

Course Description

Pandas is a Python library used for data analysis and data manipulation. This Python library provides a straightforward, versatile, and user-friendly way for data analysis. By using Pandas, it becomes easy to create data structures, perform essential tasks like indexing, filtering, and aggregation with data. It's an essential package for data visualization and general data manipulation. Pandas works with data structures like DataFrame and Series, making data management easier for programmers. Additionally, Pandas assists in loading and saving data in various formats. It's particularly popular in data analysis, machine learning, and data science projects.

Getting started

  • What is Pandas?
  • Why should we use pandas?
  • Pandas installation

Loading Data

  • Importing pandas
  • Loading files in pandas
  • Visualize the data
  • Get used to with rows and columns of table
  • Pandas set option

Basic statistical analysis

  • Describe method
  • Info method
  • Value counts
  • Unique()
  • nunique()

Pandas Series and Dataframe

  • What is pandas Series
  • How to create a pandas series
  • What is pandas Dataframe
  • How to create a Dataframe
  • Accessing column(s)
  • Get all the column names
  • Accessing rows loc[]
  • iloc[]
  • Slicing rows and columns


  • Set index
  • Reset index

Data filtering

  • Filter mask
  • Filter dataframe using filter mask
  • Examples of filtering data

Updating rows and columns

  • Renaming columns
  • Updating rows and columns using .loc[]
  • apply()
  • applymap()
  • map() functions
  • Adding column
  • Adding row
  • Dropping columns and rows


  • Merging data
  • Concatenate data
  • Joining data


  • Sort by columns

Grouping and aggregation

  • Groupby
  • Pivot table
  • Crosstab

Dealing with data types and missing values

  • Dropping missing values
  • Filling missing values
  • Type casting



Will You Get a Certificate After the Course:
Yes, after completing the course you will achieve the certificate. There are 3 Types of Certification available based on assessment in our each course. These types are mentioned below:

  1. General Certificate (If the total marks are between 60% and 70%)
  2. White Belt Certificate (If the total marks are between 70% and  90%)
  3. Black Belt Certificate (If the total marks are between 90% and 100%)

How do we evaluate a Student for certificate:
Our Evaluation Process is extremely simple. Our Evaluation process is maintained by following steps:

  1. Class Attendance (between 60 - 100%)
  2. Assignment Submission (Bonus Point for Quick Submission, As Usual Points For On-Time Submission, Minus point for late submission)
  3. Mock Test (Written + Viva)
  4. Project Submission (Bonus Point for Quick Submission, As Usual Points For On-Time Submission, Minus point for late submission)
  5. Soft Skills

Please note that the evaluation always be done by the internal and external judges via a blind review process


How do we recommend a Student for the job:
After completing the course, the white and black belt certificated students will be allowed to join our stem-learning-based Bootcamp. The students will need to complete the boot camp with proper instruction and discipline. After completing the Bootcamp, we will recommend the desired candidate to any company in sha Allah.

Reviews through our website

Reviews through Social Media

Tasfiq Kamran

Aminul Mahi

Shaiful Islam

MD Asadullah Shibli

Obaydullah Hasib

Nirban Mitra Joy

Md Maniruzzaman Manir

Md Anower Hossain

Mehedi Azad

Alomghir Hossain

Video Feedback

Student - 1
Student - 2
Student - 3
Student - 4
Student - 5

Key Topics:

  • Loading Data
  • Basic statistical analysis
  • Pandas Series and Dataframe
  • Indexing
  • Data filtering
  • Updating rows and columns
  • Merging
  • Sorting
  • Grouping and aggregation
  • Dealing with data types and missing values



Discount Price



8 Hours

Class Type


